The 10th cohort of students at Re-Tweed – the Eyemouth-based social enterprise – graduated at a ceremony in the Volunteer Hall in Duns. The event was attended by national and local decision-makers ande representatives from local businesses and community organisations.
Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, Aileen Campbell MSP, addressed the students and guests, focusing on the power of creative industry as a medium for revitalising rural communities and the critical need for initiatives that focus on caring for our planet. Ms Campbell said “ReTweed’s creativity not only supports our economy, but enriches our cultural life and brings people together around a positive common purpose. Creative skills are the skills of the future and those less likely to be replaced by automation and artificial intelligence. I am delighted to support ReTweed in their quest for social justice and environmental good.”
Helen Forysth, Chief Executive of Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA), spoke on the theme of caring for our people and our communities. She said: “BHA is happy to support initiatives like Re-Tweed, which empowers individuals and whole communities to take action in promoting a more positive and sustainable society for all.”
This event marked the successful delivery of 10 intensive textiles training courses aligned to the NQ in Fashion and Textiles. Re-Tweed provides opportunities for learning and skills development in an area of Scotland where no further or higher education provision exists. To date, 72 women have completed the training. They are women who face barriers, to making positive progress in their lives and careers with over 45% progressing to employment or setting up their own business and nearly 40% moving on into training, education and volunteering.
Hazel Smith, Re-Tweed’s founding director, won Social Entrepreneur of the Year at the Herald Society Awards in Glasgow.
Rachel Parker, Marketing and Communications Officer, was listed as one of the top 100 women in social enterprise in the UK at the WISE100 awards in London.