Have you placed your votes yet for the local community projects that are in the running for Scottish Borders Council (SBC) funding?
Local residents and communities can decided which ideas/projects should receive funding from the Localities Bid Fund.
You can vote for your favourite projects in the following ways:
- online
- in person at designated ballot box locations
- by contacting SBC to get a ballot paper sent to you and returning your ballot paper back by freepost.
Once the voting is closed, all the votes will be collected and the successful bids will be announced in March.
Sixty two applications out of 130 met the criteria to move to the voting stage of the Localities Bid Fund.
In the running are:
- 11 projects in Berwickshire
- 3 projects in Cheviot
- 17 projects in Eildon
- 14 projects in Teviot and Liddesdale
- 17 projects in Tweeddale.
More details about all of the projects can be found on the SBC website

Burnfoot Community Futures – looking for support in Teviot and Liddesdale

Duns and District Men’s Shed – seeking support in Berwickshire